We have confidently imposed “hybrid“ events, at which we have a few present participants in the hall while the complete program is being filmed and transmitted live via internet /video streaming/. In this way our events have reached a broader audience and even increased their impact.
It is extremely important to note that venues play a main role in reviving the event industry. They focus on three significant aspects in order to provide adequate measures for safe events guarantee: they implement disinfection and hygiene protocols, organize safe meals, create regulations for distance keeping.
Disinfection and hygiene protocols
Strict disinfection and hygiene procedures are the most important aspect. During their preparation all local sanitary authorities’ measures are taken into consideration.
RIU Hotels have designed detailed guidelines for Covid-19 prevention in cooperation with Preverisk. RIU Hotels contribute with their operation experience, which, combined with the technical experience of Preverisk results in a detailed list of procedures, applied in all hotels of the chain.
Program “Be Healthy & Stay Active with Bt Hotels Collection!” is created in partnership with Tokuda Hospital Acibadem City Clinic and Ecolab. The action plan is constantly updated and coordinated with the leading epidemiologist of Tokuda Hospital.
The Hilton program is named Hilton Clean Stay and includes special stickers, which indicate that the respective premises – room, hall, etc. have been disinfected and are ready to meet the next guests.
Social distance
Social distance is ensured by organizing separate entrances and exits, special signposts for directing people flow. The allowable halls’ capacity is significantly decreased due to health measures.
Safe meals
Food is served in three ways: at buffets being served by personnel behind plastic shields, serving individual portions or packed food. We choose spacious halls for catering or open spaces whenever possible.