Организатор: Фондация Инвазивна кардиология
10-и Български курс по бифуркации и комплексни коронарни интервенции


28-30 януари 2022


08:30 часа


Аджибадем Сити Клиник УМБАЛ Токуда
Хибридно събитие

Регистрацията е затворена



28/01/2022, Friday

29/01/2022, Saturday

30/01/2022, Sunday

  • 13:30 - 16:50Fellows dedicated Session I: Bifurcation basics - online only
  • 8:30 – 9:00Opening ceremony
  • 9:00 – 10:30Session II: Bifurcations – EBC in BBC
  • 10:30 – 11:00Coffee-break
  • 11:00 – 12:20Session III: Decision making points in bifurcation PCI
  • 12:20 – 13:00Symposium of Abbott - gold sponsor
  • 13:00 – 13:30Lunch break
  • 13:30 – 16:00Session IV: Live-case session I /supportеd by Bracco/
  • 16:00 – 16:20Symposium of Medtronic - silver sponsor
  • 16:20 – 17:10Session V: Bifurcation strategies in LM PCI /supportеd by Biotronik/
  • 17:10 – 17:30Symposium of Gedeon Richter - silver sponsor
  • 17:30 – 20:00Session VI: Live-case session II /supported by Bracco/
  • 18:30 – 18:40Coffee-break
  • 9:00 – 10:00Session VII: Complex Bifurcation Lesions
  • 10:00 – 10:20Symposium of Teva - silver sponsor
  • 10:20 – 10:40Coffee-break
  • 10:40 – 11:10Hands-on session
  • 11:10 – 12:30Session VIII: Bifurcation and Calcium
  • 12:30 – 14:30Complications
  • 14:30 – 14:55 Imaging and functional assessment in LM PCI?
  • 14:55 – 15:00Closing remarks

Видео презентации

Opening Ceremony
Session ll: Bifurcations - EBC in BBC
Y. Louvard, G. Stankovic
Session lll: Decision Making Points in Bifurcation PCI
Bon-Kwon Koo, D. Vassilev, M. Lesiak
Physiology and Imaging in Bifurcations - beyond angiogram
G. Stankovic
Session IV: Live-case session l
Live case 2
Resolute Onyx in Complex PCI, highlights in EBC Main Study,cases from our practice
D. Vassilev, V. Gelev
Session V: Bifurcation strategies in LM PCI
R. Gil, G. Rigatelli
Session VI: Live-case session II
Session VII - Complex Bifurcation Lesions
G. Sianos, A. Barmpas, Z. Piroth
Antiplatelet therapy in patients with multifocal atherosclerosis
R. Kalpachki, V. Gelev
Session VIII: Bifurcation and Calcium
G. Sianos
N. Stoyanov, D. Vassilev, V. Gelev
Imaging and Functional Assessment in LM PCI?
A. Maehara
Closing Remarks


Resolute Onyx LM Bifurcation
Dobrin Vassilev
How to Decide to Treat or Not to Treat the Side Branch in Provisional Stenting
Dobrin Vassilev
Provisional strategies in bifurcation treatment – still the gold standard
Yves Louvard
How to improve clinical outcome after distal LM stenting
Yves Louvard
PCI in bifurcations during ACS – tips and tricks
Anastasios Barmpas
Bifurcation with challenging wiring – tips and tricks
Zsolt Piróth


Prof. Yves Louvard (Honorable Course Director)

Prof. Robert Gil (International Course Director)

Prof. Dobrin Vassilev (Course Co-Director)

Assoc. Prof. Valery Gelev (Course Co-Director)

Assoc. Prof. Vassil Velchev (Course Co-Director)

Dr. Nikolay Stoyanov (Course Co-Director)

Dr. Anastasios Barmpas

Prof. Shao-Liang Chen

Dr. Carlos Collet

Dr. Bon-Kwon Koo

Prof. Maciej Lesiak

Prof. Akiko Maehara

Prof. Thach Nguyen

Prof. Manuel Pan

Dr. Zsolt Piroth

Prof. Gianluca Rigatelli

Prof. George Sianos

Dr. Jeroen Sonck

Prof. Goran Stankovic


Деница Йонкова
Мира Бонова
Congratulations for your efforts! Keep doing!
Prof. Robert Gil, Department of Invasive Cardiology, CSK MSWiA, Warsaw, Poland
As you know, I consider Bulgaria almost as my second home, so it was not only an honor but also a very joyful event for me to intervene to the BBC. I really miss the taste and the environment of Sofia and my days of work with all of you in the cath lab.
Prof. Gianluca Rigateli, Rovigo General Hospital, Rovigo, Italy
Thank you for your kind notice about the last week's BBC 2022 Meeting. It was my pleasure to see - at least on the screen - my old friends. The organization was excellent like every year.
Assoc. Prof. Imre Ungi, University of Szeged, Hungary
It was an honor to be at BBC. Hope BBC will be even more successful and lead in the interventional cardiology world.
Prof. Thach Nguyen, Methodist Hospital, Merrillville, Indiana, USA
Thank you for the kind invitation and congrats to the professional organization and your endurance to organize this meeting in spite of the pandemic. It was a real pleasure to be there in person.
Dr. Zsolt Piroth, Hungarian Institute of Cardiology, Budapest, Hungary
It was a great meeting with great success.
Prof. Lampros Michalis, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece
As a tradition you were so perfect even in this difficult times. Thank you again for the opportunity to be part of the congress. Looking forward to enjoy your future organized events.
Dr. Farhat Fouladvand, Holy Family Hospital, Erba, Italy
Това беше може би най-добрият курс. Страхотно ниво! Голяма гордост!
Д-р Иван Мартинов, Началник Отделение по инвазивна кардиология, УМБАЛСМ "Пирогов"
За мене беше много интересно и полезно. Истинско богатство е да мога да наблюдавам директно извършените процедури от толкова известни специалисти в тази област. Благодаря ви, че ви има!
Д-р Юлия Тевекелийска, МБАЛ „Св.Иван Рилски", Дупница
Благодаря отново за блестящата организация на събитието! Всичко наистина беше изпълнено страхотно.
Д-р Ния Милева, Сърдечно-съдов център ОЛВ, Аалст, Белгия

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